Older projects

Overview of projects carried out more than 10 years ago


Older projects

still unstructured

2015-08 - 2015-09** ### Hadoop architecture and training**

2 months**







Introduction of a data warehouse in Hadoop for business intelligence for seven countriesConnection of existing SQL (MySQL, Postgres) and NoSQL (MongoDB) databases, provision of data sources via Kafka in Hive, SparkImplementation of KPIs and test procedures for data-driven development

MySQL Streaming


Sqoop, Kafka, Spark, Oozie, Cloudera CDH 5.5, MapR

2015-04 - 2015-08** ### Hadoop Datalake Internationalisation Big Data (Hadoop)**

5 months**


Architect Internationalisation


Market research company



Design of an architecture to develop a data lake based on HadoopDesign of a common data pipeline forDE, US, RU, TR, BR, IDOozie workflowsConnection of R in PigData imputation and weighting in RProcessing of datasets in PigImport of data from SPSS, conversion into a Hadoop dataset with PythonDesign of a data driven test environment with excerpts from test data for samples and edge casesAutomatic testing, data driven continuous live deployment

Hadoop, Agile Development, SPSS, R, Pig, Oozie, CLD, Big Data, Docker


Cloudera CDH, SPSS, R, Stash, Atlassian Confluence, Atlassian JIRA, Atlassian Stash

Architect for the development of an automated energy trading exchange (February 2015-April 2015)

Conception and design of a platform for automated trading on the EPEX exchange

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Integration of C, C++ modules in Python

Packaging of Python frameworks: bokeh, certifi, colourama, coverage, decorator, discover, docopt, Flask, greenlet, inflect, itsdangerous, Jinja2, Logbook, Markdown, MarkupSafe, matplotlib, mysql-connector-python, nose, numpy, pandas, pip, Pygments, pyparsing, pystache, python-dateutil, pytz, PyYAML, pyzmq, requests, setuptools, six, sqlacodegen, SQLAlchemy, tornado, tool, zipline, ta-lib

Introduction of test-driven development in the team of online energy traders

Implementation of timeseries analyses on the basis of Python and Numerical libraries in C++, Fortran

Design of an architecture for the numerical simulation of trading scenarios on the basis of historical time series of the energy market and Weather simulations based on GPUs units) in the Amazon AWS Cloud

Design of optimisation algorithms for use in the Amazon Cloud for GPUs

Design of a staging system from the development environment to the test and to the production environment with Jenkins and Github

Setting up a GPU cluster for the simulation of optimal trading strategies in the Amazon Cloud

DevOps architect for an online advertising platform (Sept. 2014-Jan. 2015)

Scaling the platform for the Chinese market on the basis of Docker
Continuous Life Deployment
Set up a test environment for development with Vagrant and Chef, Docker containers and Ruby Gem RPMs
Setup of a Cloudera Hadoop 5 cluster with all Hadoop services (HDFS, Spark, Flume)
Big Data
Real-time analysis of several 100TB with Spark in Scala and Python
Setup of an OpenStack cluster with 30 nodes
Real time bidding
Implementation of OpenRTP

Architect Data Centre Automation at an ISP (April 2014 - Sept 2014)

Automation rollouts and updates for market leading customers from various industries

Puppet, Debian Mirror Repository Snapshots
own Puppet modules in Git
Network setup Juniper Firewalls, F5 Loadbalancer (Policy Based Routing, Irules)
Reliability of Sql and NoSql databases (Postgres, MySql, Galera, TokuMx Cluster)

Setup of automated deployment processes (Jenkins, Hudson)

Cloud Architect Market Leader Secure Electronic Communication (Sept 2013 - April 2014 )

Conception and rollout of several OpenNebula based clouds with Puppet.
Setup of the networks
Connection of LDAP, DNS and Puppet Master

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Propagation of the cloud configuration from dev to prod
Security concept, separation of host and guest level, provision of entropy from a entropy from a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to the virtual machines
Reliability of the cloud, distribution of the database and the head (cloud management) across two data centres and redundant hardware

Scripting in Ruby for Puppet and OpenNebula and Python for system administration
Rspec tests for Puppet, assert.sh tests for Bash
Conception of automatic deployment processes (Jenkins, Teamcity) from a toolchain with toolchain with Git, Maven, Nexus, RPM repositories

Development lead in the Scrum team

Consultancy for the introduction of Scala and Play

DevOps application management for market leader (May 2011-Sept 2013)

Virtualisation with VMWare VSphere, Xen, KVM, OpenQRM, Virtualbox
Packaging building RPM packages for Redhat 5.x, 6.x
DevOps, communication between development, database department and operations to reduce the release time for new features to less than a week
Continuous Live Deployment. Setting up systems for a deployment pipe with Jenkins and Teamcity, Maven and Nexus

Programming under Python and Perl for the implementation of features in the Devops area, Wordpress PHP

Test-driven development model

Java optimisation of Tomcat and JBoss for operation

Integration of Scala and Play vs. Lift in production

NoSQL, optimisation of various NoSQL databases for operation and high availability:

MongoDB (with replication), Neo4J, Cassandra, (Redis with replication)
Database upgrades, upgrade concept with Flyway

Architecture of a CLD-capable process for zero-downtime updates of productive databases for MySQL and Oracle

Security defence concepts for DDoS attacks
Linux optimisation of Redhat for DevOps
Agile methodologies, Kanban for application management, Scrum in development teams
Monitoring Nagios, Munin, SNMP

Load balancers, introduction of SSL client certificates for F5 load balancers, Configuration in TCL/TK

Redhat training for a network supplier (November 2011)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 and 6.1, SuSE Enterprise Linux 10, Solaris
Migration paths from Solaris to RHEL and SLES
Packaging, building RPM packages for configuration
networks, setting up bonding and VLan interfaces, configurations manually and with RPM
Virtualisation with Libvirt, KVM and VMWare

Architect virtualisation of streaming services (April 2010-April 2011)

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Cloud services, development of a KVM based architecture for a private- public cloud messaging system

Testing of KVM and the Xen realtime extensions
Evaluation of Real-Time Redhat based on the Redhat MRG extensions

Development of a distributed architecture based on Erlang, AMQP RabbitMQ, RIAK Design Pattern

Ruby on Rails
Optimisation for fail-safe and high-performance load distribution

Development of the Android client
Optimisation of the real-time behaviour of audio playback
Recoding of large audio volumes in the cluster (Map Reduce)
Audio coding on the basis of ffmpeg

Automation of the roll-out on the basis of Opscode Chef, automatic setup of the Setup of virtual machines with shell (bash) scripts

Testing various Ubuntu flavours for usability as virtual machines machines
Ubuntu Hardy Realtime, Ubuntu Server

Introduction of GlusterFS as a distributed file system

Optimisation of streaming platforms for a web hoster (Jan.-Feb 2011)

Optimisation and monitoring of a distributed streaming platform for a high-end Internet service provider in the high-end web hosting sector Streaming Server (Wowza, Streampulse)
End customer online TV platform

Monitoring concept for Nagios (10 locations, 50 hosts, 200 services)
Nagios plugins in Shell (Bash,Sh) and Perl
Virtualisation Citrix XenServer 5.6, VMWare
Linux: Redhat 5.4-5.6, Ubuntu 10.4-10.10
Web server optimisation of Apache, NGinx and Varnish, PHP5, Zend

Architect High Secure Embedded Device (Sept-Dec 2010)

Software Architect Secure Embedded Linux Device (Emlix)
Camera (Halcon), RFID, PCSC
OCR scan (Halcon) based on Intel/Atom
Image filtering with Boost GIL

Hardware intrusion detection

Co-operation with the hardware designer for thermal, optical (IR, Weiss, UV) and electromagnetic compliance with the specifications

Secure Boot Process, Secure Process Environment
QT Gui, OpenSSL, Cryptovision, Boost Library
Process design of the application
Support for Common Criteria EAL4+ evaluation

Requirements analysis EAT (electronic residence permit)
Package diagrams, use case diagrams, class diagrams with Enterprise Architect 7

Certificate Check, Certificate Exchange, Certificate Chains
CVCA PKI, TLS PKI, Images Signing PKI

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New German ID card (ePA, nPA)
Reading the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of documents
BAC (Basic Access Control), Extended Access Control

Communication with the ePA via RFID

Connection to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Project relocation, management of handover between two project teams
Takeover of a related project under ARM 7 on Freescale

Evaluation of the existing software for transferability
Evaluation of the modules for reusability
Evaluation of the project documentation
Closing the documentation gaps (functional and requirement specifications, UML diagrams, Doxygen)
Identification of critical core competences and roles in the team
Development plan for team qualifications (OO training, design patterns, C++ idioms)
Evaluation of team members with regard to roles to be filled

Coordination of the software handover from a predominantly external team in Berlin to an internal team in Lower Saxony

Moderation of the handover process

Development of a Google Maps application for Android with event data (10/2009-4/2010)
Integration of time-dependent events in Maps on Android
Programming of overlays via maps
Server communication via JSON and Google Notification Service
Activities for lists and user preferences
Integration of the application into online media

Lead Architect Zimory (11/2007 - 1/2010)

Design and implementation of an enterprise cloud infrastructure

Role as architect (software architect and network architect)
Team building
Architecture, implementation, rollout

Web services, J2EE, OR/Mapping with Hibernate, Linux (Suse Linux Enterprise 10, Debian, OpenWRT, RedHat), Network, Security
Development of corporate infrastructure
Integration provider, web services, Restful Apis

Cloud computing architectures, control and measurement of resources
Xen 3.0 - 3.3, VMWare Server and ESX API, vSphere, Libvirt
Extensive scripts for administration Shell (bash), Perl, Python

Design of the image storage system based on Copy on Write (CoW) and the Linux Device Mapper (dmsetup)

Integration of encryption and authentication (Single Sign On, AES, XCBC, Jutla, OCB)

Integration of Xen and VMWare in a VLan system with external access via Firewall rules (vconfig, iptables)
Streaming of virtual machines
Optimisation of virtual machines for optimum load and latency behaviour

Distributed messaging systems

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Development of a messaging system integrated into Tomcat with Scala

Continuous integration with Hudson and Maven, version management with CVS and SVN
JPA with Hibernate
MySQL with replication with optimisation under Hibernate

Lead Architect Virtualisation Management in the Telekom Laboratories (7/2006- 10/2007)

Design and implementation of an enterprise cloud solution

Design and core implementation for a J2EE platform to control Xen and VMWare
Technical implementation of a research project up to startup maturity
Team building (10 developers)

Design of a scalable distributed architecture
Tomcat 6, Java 6, Reflection, RMI, web services, SOAP, annotations, Hibernate
Scalable storage system, messaging architecture, model view controller Pattern
Ajax with GWT 1.4

Design of a common abstraction layer for Xen 3.1, VMWare ESX Server,
extendable to all virtualisation architectures

Adaptation of Xen to Suse (SLES 10), Redhat (RHEL 5) and Debian (Ubuntu 7.04) and Gentoo
Customisation of init scripts, iSCSI connection

Integration in LDAP services, authentication with Kerberos

Adaptation of the kernel to iSCSI under Intel and Amd64

Design patterns (including Observer, Proxy, Model-View-Controller, Message Bus, Data Access Objects, Data Transfer Objects, Inversion of Control)

Design of the security model with Transport-Layer-Security (TLS) Secure- sockets (rmi-secure, https)

Evaluation of various frameworks for model view controllers (MVC)
e.g. Tapestry, Dojo, GWT

Evaluation of various frameworks with object-relational mapping (ORM)
including Grails, Hibernate, Ruby on Rails, Python, Jython

Extensive scripts for administration Shell (bash), Perl, Python

Setting up a DHCP server in Perl

UML coaching and architecture at Deutsche Rentenversicherung (1/2005 to 6/2006)
Coaching UML analysis and design, Java (J2EE, RMI, SOAP, design patterns
in distributed environments)
Introduction of approvals with electronic signature in XML

Architecture of the integration environment
Connection to trust centres using an OCSP relay

Development of a distributed J2EE infrastructure
Development of a distributed SOA environment with SOAP and RMI
Load analysis of SOAP and RMI
Implementation of the reliability of RMI-based applications

Introduction of a development environment and a development process
on the basis of Eclipse

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Tooling Ant, Hibernate, Struts, JUnit
Persistence with Hibernate on Oracle 10g
Application server WebSphere and JBoss with Apache Server
Standardised web services for all platforms with Axis
Automatic deployment with WsAdmin

Load balancing and performance security with Apache and mod_jk
Connection to BS2000 and openUTM with BeanConnect
Solaris and XP

QT and RTLinux (10/2004-1/2005)

Extension of a QT application with real-time capabilities based on RTLinux
Structure of the toolchain
Multithreading concepts under real-time conditions
Reaction in real time to critical environmental conditions
Forwarding messages from the controller to the GUI under Qtopia
Testing in a distributed environment
Build environment with Perl and shell (Bash)

Project management Lawful Interception (2/2004-10/2004)

Application for a carrier to implement the
TRTKÜV (technical guideline for the implementation of the
Telecommunications Monitoring Ordinance)

Java: J2EE
Apache Jakarta technology, JBoss application server,
Database under Hibernate

Control of Linux processes from Jboss to implement the legal requirements the legal requirements for monitoring email and IP traffic under the legal requirements
Implementation of data protection and security requirements in the carrier environment

Design with UML, implementation under Unix(Linux)
Databases Postgres including replication with pgpool, Oracle
Control of SUN Iplanet
Analysis of log files with Perl

Head of Secure Email Gateway development (8/2003-3/2004)
Head of product development of a Java/J2EE/EJB application
for the control of a secure and verified email traffic
traffic for trade, banks, insurances,
automotive industry, lottery companies and e-government.
In the product the enforcement of a
domain policy for encryption and verification under S/Mime and PGP.

Realisation under Unix (Linux, Solaris)
Databases Oracle, Postgres, DB2
Object-relational mapping to SQL with Hibernate

Development of WEB EDI (3/2001-8/2003)
Development of a B2B application for
a medium-sized food manufacturer
to connect its suppliers.

Apache Java/J2EE/EJB Jakarta technology and Oracle as database with Enhydra as persistence layer.
database with Enhydra as persistence layer.

The application was developed entirely in open source

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Technologies implemented.

Design under UML, realisation under Unix (Linux, SUN Solaris)
Databases Oracle, Postgres

Consulting E-Government (3/2001-6/2001)
Consultancy for ministries and higher federal authorities
the introduction of open source servers and client systems

The decision was made to use Linux

Development of a chat system (8/2000-3/2001)
Development of a distributed chat system for a carrier.
A web frontend for the IRC system of one of the largest German
German carrier, which distributed the load decentrally in eight data centres.

The communication was carried out in the carrier’s backbone with IRC,
The chats themselves were presented under Apache/PHP/Zend directly from the
shared memory of the IRC client.
Chat room management and event chat administration
was partly implemented in plain old Java, mainly in C++/C/Zend.

Realisation under Unix(Linux)
Oracle database

Development of Linux drivers (mid 2001)
Developments with the C++ Standard Library (STL).
Connection of Port IO to server programmes.

Programming and control of IO devices
(LCD displays/sensors) under Linux.

Development of hardware-related programming (5/1998-7/2000)
Development control of network elements of a large
telecommunications equipment manufacturer in C/C++. Intensive hardware-related developments
in C/C++.

Development of a distributed application with Corba

Multimedia applications for online learning platforms (1998)
Installation of Realaudio Server
Configuration of network for distributed multimedia virtual learning
Integration of streaming content in PHP


Government, Telecommunications, Software development, Research, Publishing, Engineering, Healthcare, Energy, Public sector


English** perfect, business fluent

French** basic knowledge

Spanish** basic knowledge


Areas of responsibility** agile project management

Products / Standards / Experience / Methods** AKS


Continuous Integration




Microsoft Visual Studio



Visual Studio Code


Kubernetes Security

VMWare Esx (since 2007)
Xen (since 2006)
Websphere (since 2005)
JBoss (since 2001)
Oracle IAS (since 2006)
Oracle 8,9,10,11 (since 1999)
Android (since 2009)

Operating systems** CoreOS


Real-time operating systems Linux, RTLinux, Redhat MRG




Google Cloud Platform

Google Kubernetes Engine







Kubernetes Security

Kubernetes Security



SUN OS, Solaris



Redhat and Suse Enterprise

Programming languages**

ASN.1 (since 1998)

Assembler 68k

Basic (since 1978)

C (since 1988) Shared Memory

C++ (since 1988) STL, IO, Boost Qt

CORBA IDL (since 1998)

Delphi (since 1998)


Emacs (since 1989)

Hadoop since 2009

Imake, GNU-Make, Make-Maker etc… also automake autoconf

Java JSP, J2EE, RMI, SOAP, design patterns in distributed environments, Apache Jakarta environment, Struts

JavaScript JSP, J2EE, RMI, SOAP, design patterns in distributed environments, Apache Jakarta environment, Struts


Macro languages

Machine languages

MATLAB / Simulink

Objective C

Pascal (since 1978)

Perl also modules

PHP (since 1998) Zend

PL/SQL (since 1999)

Prolog (since 1992)


Python since 2005

Qt (since 1998) preferred



Scripting languages

Shell bash

Spring Boot


TeX, LaTeX



We also have extensive experience in distributed environments and the integration of applications from different programming languages (Java, C++) and platforms (Unix, Linux, Windows).

Integration was carried out with Corba, RMI and SOAP,

The relevant design patterns and techniques were coached by me. coached.

I also have experience in testing the load behaviour of distributed applications, especially with RMI and SOAP.

Databases** Access (since 1996)

DAO (since 2006)

Informix (since 2000)

JDBC (since 2000)


MS SQL Server (since 2000)

MySQL (since 2001)

ODBC (since 2000)

Oracle (since 1999)

Postgres (since 1996)

SQL (since 1996)

also Object-Relational Mapping (hibernate)

Data communication** Calico



Edge Computing



Internet, Intranet






LAN, LAN Manager






Service Mesh

SMTP all RFC, in-depth knowledge of mail protocols




Security X509, PGP, S/MIME
Encryption, electronic signature

Experience with RMI, SOAP and Corba

Hardware** Alpha

Ascii/X - Terminals



embedded systems




Calculation / Simulation / Experiment / Validation** Machine Learning as a Service

Numerical Recipes
In-house development of numerical statistical methods

Design / Development / Construction**

Enterprise Architect (since 2010)
Eclipse (since 2004)
Hudson (since 2007)
Maven (since 2007)
Nessus (since 2007)
Rational Developer (since 1996)
Omondo (since 2005)

Management experience in companies** kanban

Before the time as a freelancer:

  • Development of various online media web platforms 1996-1998

  • Online publishing systems for various publishers in the Holtzbrinck Group

  • Project management for several parallel projects

  • Apache Perl/CGI, Postgres

  • firewall

  • Development of a content management system in PHP

  • Development of a project management system in PHP

  • Development of a web system for conference and library management 1994 for the

  • Physics RWTH Aachen

  • Development of a system for the administration of lecture notes and meetings with
    Apache and Perl/CGI

  • Setting up content

Before the time as a freelancer:

  • Development of various online media web platforms 1996-1998

  • Online publishing systems for various publishers in the Holtzbrinck Group

  • Project management for several parallel projects

  • Apache Perl/CGI, Postgres

  • firewall

  • Development of a content management system in PHP

  • Development of a project management system in PHP

  • Development of a web system for conference and library management 1994 for the

  • Physics RWTH Aachen

  • Development of a system for the administration of lecture notes and meetings with
    Apache and Perl/CGI

  • Setting up content


I like to work in international teams, also with English as project language project language and adapt quickly to different situations.

Business fluent at C-level and in investor environment in various roles as developer, architect, interim CTO.

I prefer new technologies in high-end environments, data centres and high-performance websites.

Education and training

PhD in Theoretical Physics (Stochastics), RWTH Aachen 6/1994 Diploma in Physics 12/1989
