Thomas Fricke

All Clouds Are Beautiful

Kubernetes Security

All Clouds are Broken

Kubernetes Security Schulung mit Jupyter Notebooks. Theorie und Handson

Kubernetes Security

All Clouds are Broken

Kubernetes Security

The training has been given at lot of times for different companies. As the handson lessons are complex, the lessons are given as Jupyter Notebooks. All the notebooks are available at Github and have aquired some contributions and stars.

This training is very intense and not adequate for beginners!

Intended audience

Developers, Operations, DevOps, Auditors, Software Architects, Security Architects, CISOs and everybody who wants to deep dive into Kubernetes security.

Einführung in Kubernetes

Grundlegende Konzepte, Container, Pods, Services, Ingress

3 Tages Workshop über die Einführung in Kubernetes mit Theorie und praktischen Übungen

Introduction into Kubernetes

Basic concepts, Pods, Services, Ingress

3 day introduction into Kubernetes, theory and handson excercises