Introduction into Kubernetes

Basic concepts, Pods, Services, Ingress


Handson and theory

The 3 day workshop is a balanced mix of theory and handson exercises executed by the trainees. We start in a simple, working environment and proceed fast to more advanced examples.

The workshop can use your favourite cloud (Google GKE, Azure AKS, Amazon EKS) or a local installation. Minimal installation is using Minikube

Intended audience

Developers, Operations, DevOps people and everybody with an IT background who wants to start into Kubernetes.


Experiences in your field and good knowledge of Linux. The handson less are done on the command line interface.


You will get the basic knowledge to run your containers on a Kubernetes cluster and will be enabled to continue your journey on your own.

Day One

We start with the basic building blocks of Kubernetes:

  • Containers
  • Basic Kubernetes Concepts
  • Architecture, Controllers and Services
  • Setting up, Kubectl, Deployment
  • K8s on your cloud
  • Hands on Session
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Building containers
  • Optional
    • Liveness and Readiness
    • Best Practices


What is a container? Runtime, images and Docker sorted out. Containers need images, runtimes and an operating system.

Linux Namespaces and beyond

Understanding containers as springoff of Linux namespaces, capabilities and seccomp is necessary to understand how containers really work.



The central element is the pod, a bunch of containers working together. In a handson session we connect the pod to the related objects as deployments, jobs, daemonsets, volumes and services.



The services connect the outside world to your containers. You will get the basic networking knowledge necessary to run your containers in Kubernetes.

Ingress Installation and Basics

Ingress is a service as any other Kubernetes service. You will get the building blocks to create a site based on a set of services.

Day Two: more and Advanced Kubernetes Concepts

Kubernetes needs external services like storage and the network. Complex applications consist of several components: frontend, business logic and databases. Additionally we need logging and configuration of applications. The building blocks are connected.

  • Storage
    • Volumes
    • Config Maps, Secrets
  • Persistency
  • Helm
  • Ingress
  • Daemonsets, Statefulsets
  • Setup a DB Cluster with Helm
    • The CAP theorem and its implications
    • MongoDB
    • PostgresQL
  • Logging
  • FluentD

Day Three: Freestyle

This day is freestyle. You can bring your own questions and we solve them together. Examples of topic we can discuss in a day depending on your demand and knowledge.

  • Scaling
  • Testing
    • Selenium
    • Load Testing
  • GitLab
    • Runners
    • Agents
